

创意研究学院(CCS)是一个非营利组织, 由密歇根州教育部授权授予学士和硕士学位的私立学院. CCS, located in midtown Detroit, 致力于为学生提供在充满活力和不断发展的创意产业中成功职业所需的工具. CCS培养学生追求卓越的决心, act ethically, 履行他们作为公民的责任, and learn throughout their lives. 拥有世界一流的师资和无与伦比的设施, 学生学习成为视觉传播者,积极利用艺术和设计来改善社会. 学院是众多行业人才的主要供应者, such as transportation, film and animation, advertising and communications, consumer electronics, athletic apparel, and many more. 它的毕业生是展览艺术家和教师, design problem solvers and innovators, as well as creative leaders in business.

成立于1906年的底特律工艺美术协会, CCS在底特律的文化和教育界发挥着关键作用. 一个私人, fully accredited college, CCS enrolls more than 1,400 students, 攻读美术硕士学位和艺术教育硕士学位, Color and Materials Design, Interdisciplinary Design Studies, 交通设计和用户体验设计,广告设计美术学士学位, Art Education, Communication Design, Entertainment Arts, Fashion Design, 电影, Illustration, Interior Design, Interdisciplinary Art & 设计,摄影,产品设计,工作室艺术 & Craft and Transportation Design. 学院还为超过4名学生提供免费艺术教育,通过社区艺术合作项目,每年有1万名底特律青年. 此外,学院的大学预科:艺术 & 设计是一所公立特许中学和高中,招收800多名学生,学习高性能的学术课程,特别注重艺术和设计.

Bachelor’s 项目

BFA学位要求完成126个学分:84个工作室课程和42个通识课程. 除了他们所选专业的课程之外, 一年级学生在预科部学习课程, where they study drawing, color theory and basic design. 所有专业的学生也选修文科系的课程, 旨在让他们了解他们所生活的更大的社会和文化背景. 典型的全日制学生每周的时间表包括24小时的工作室和6小时的学术时间.

Master’s 项目

学院的色彩与材料设计硕士学位, Interdisciplinary Design Studies, 交通设计和用户体验设计是最终学位,为学生在依赖设计的行业中担任领导角色做好准备. MFA学位课程共享核心课程, with variations in 电子logy components, 以及行业赞助项目的重点和内容. 硕士学位需要完成60个学分.

30学分的MA(初始学位)是60学分的MFA(最终学位)的第一年。, 课程侧重于专业技术技能和知识.


CCS is located in Detroit’s Midtown, 学生在校园附近哪里可以找到各种各样的活动来丰富他们的学习和提供娱乐. 底特律电影剧院和底特律艺术学院, 全国最大的艺术博物馆之一, 都位于CCS的沃尔特和约瑟芬·福特校区附近. CCS的学生可以免费进入DIA. The Charles H. Wright Museum of African American 历史, the largest of its kind in the country, is also located next to campus. University and public libraries, 画廊, great restaurants, 还有现场音乐场地展示独立摇滚, 嘻哈, 电子, 民间, jazz and blues also can be found close by.

虽然底特律提供了你所期望的大城市的所有优势,但它在许多方面都是独一无二的. For one, it‘s affordable. 该市也是全国最大的广告市场之一, 工业设计和出版——这意味着学生有机会实习, 工作, 以及活跃在各自领域的教师导师. 最终, 底特律以制造而闻名,这种工艺和技术的结合使它成为艺术和设计学校的完美之地.

Undergraduate Fast Facts

Undergraduate Enrollment – 1285

87% full-time
13% part-time

47% reside in campus housing
53% reside off campus

76% from Michigan
24% from 37 states and 14 countries

Enrollment by Department
Advertising Design – 29
Art Education (post-degree only) – 7
Art Practice – 69
Communication Design – 87
Craft and Material Studies – 37
Entertainment Arts – 319
Fashion Accessories Design – 52
电影- 43
Illustration – 261
Interdisciplinary Art & Design – 51
Interior Design – 41
Photography – 55
Product Design – 86
Transportation Design – 129
Undeclared – 19

Ethnic Background
8% International
12% Black or African American
5% Hispanic/Latino
<1% American Indian or Alaska Native
53% White (Non-Hispanic)
5% Two or more 比赛s
11% Race/ethnicity unknown
<1% Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander

2023-2024 学费 & 费用
学费 – $49,950
Required fees – $1,405
住房 – $7,920 – $9,130
Meal plans – $1,450 – $2,900

First to Second Year
Retention – 76%
National Average – 75.6%

毕业 Rate (per 2022/23 IPEDS) – 64%
National Average – 60.9%

Average GPA of Incoming Freshmen – 3.6

平均年龄 – 21

Student-to-教师 Ratio – 10:1

Financial 援助

研究生 Fast Facts

研究生 Enrollment – 66

89% full-time
11% part-time

35% reside in campus housing
65% reside off campus

24% from Michigan

Enrollment by Department
Color and Materials Design – 21
User Experience Design – 14
Transportation Design – 31

Ethnic Background
70% International
0% Hispanic/Latino
1.5% Black or African American
0% American Indian or Alaska Native
4.5% Two or more 比赛s
4.5% Race/ethnicity unknown
0% Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander

2022-2023 Annual 学费 and 费用
学费 – $50,160
Required 费用 – $1,405
住房 – $7,200 – $8,300
Meal Plan – $1,450 – $2,900

平均年龄 – 26